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来源::未知 | 作者:百乐飞禽走兽|官方|下载|在线玩* | 本文已影响


  A 1995.1 my view on the negative effects of some advertisements
  Today we live in a world of advertisement. Ads appear on broad side boards, take up much of newspaper coverage, slip their way onto walls and constantly interrupt TV programs. However pervasive they are, (尽管他们四处充斥)they always produce a negative influence.
  To begin with, daylight robbery is made everyday occurrence (百日抢劫每天都在发生)as a result of the negative effects of ads. Harmful ads exaggerate the functions and distort/ignore the facts.(夸大功能,歪曲事实) Every means is tried to hook people into buying(为了诱导人们消费,不择手段). Make-up promotion is a typical case in point.(化妆品促销就是一个典型的例子) Furthermore, misleading ads plant in the mind (在脑海中植下)of consumers, especially young people, a bad consumption habit or, even worse, corrupt values. For proof, look no further than cigarette selling. (香烟销售就是一个典型的例子)Ads with the image of a smoking pop star broadcast an irresistible message.(传递无法抗拒的信息) Last but not least, easily-printed posters and handouts have polluted our environment.
   Personally, no one can avoid the negative influence. However, we need to step up law enforcement (加强执法)to minimize the harm of such ads. Meanwhile, as consumers, we need to use our head and keep our distance.
  B 1996.1 Two-day weekend
  --〉工作效率提高,物质生活富足,人们可能享受2天周末制, —〉(除了工作效率之外:人们对生活水平的期待)
  As the productivity improves, our society becomes more affluent than ever before. As a result of such social advance, a 2-day weekend seems not just possible but also feasible.
  从正反两方面描写,每个方面可以从多个角度来论述:1,有人欢呼,原因如下1)更长的休息时间,更好的调整精力,更高的效率为新的一周做好准备 2)更长的时间与家人分享,更加融洽家庭关系3)可以进行适当距离的旅游,更好的享受生活。 2,有人反对,原因如下1)在某种程度上不利于生产和生活(减少产出,办事不方便)2)降低效率(周末未完之事必须拖拉两天;周末活动过多造成假期疲劳)
  The proponents (支持者)happily welcome a 2-day weekend for the following reasons. Firstly, a 2-day weekend ensures more time for rest(确保足够的时间休息). People can better recover from 5 days hard work(可以更好的从天的工作中恢复过来) and get more refreshed and productive for the coming week. Secondly, a 2-day weekend allows more time to share with one’s family. Thirdly, 2 days make possible(使—成为可能) short-distance travels, so that people needn’t rush through a destination (在一个游玩的目的地走马观花)and can enjoy more of life(更好的享受生活). On the other hand, the opponents(反对者)argue an extended weekend(延长了的周末) causes incontinences of some kind (某种程度的不便)to life and harm to economy, as workers in service agencies (服务行业)and in companies leave position for leisure and recreation.(离职去娱乐享受) What’s more, a longer weekend reduces efficiency(降低效率) and does not necessarily promise (确保)more energy for a new week. Anything that happens on Friday but can’t be finished within that day has to be delayed even longer. After people finish an ambitious travel, they feel exhausted than refueled. (他们感到很疲劳而不是充电了)
  As for me, I readily welcome the 2-day weekend. Still, we need to make joint efforts to minimize the disadvantages while enjoying a happier life.
  C 1998.6 do lucky numbers really bring luck?
  It’s a tradition in the Chinese culture to associate lucky numbers with good luck. We select good days for big events like wedding and business ceremonies; we cast huge money for a good phone number or a car plate. Similar examples simply abound in this country(这样的例子举不胜举). However, does this magical relationship exist?
  从正反两方面描写,每个方面可以从多个角度来论述:1有人坚信,原因如下1)几千年的民族传统肯定有他的道理 2)偶尔的神奇现象也能增加信心。2 不相信的人也有自己的理由1)数字只是人类发明的符号,与运气无关。2)如果不遵守科学规律,任何数字都不能确保幸运。(车祸)
  Those who believe argue that such a tradition dates back thousands of years(这个传统有几千年的历史了). There must be a reason. In addition, occasional coincidences(偶尔的巧合) in history and in life even add to their confidence(增强了他们对这个信心). By contrast, those who don’t believe also have their reasons. For one thing, numbers are nothing but man-made symbols. How can they have anything to do with luck? For another, however lucky the numbers are(不管这个数字都么的吉祥), accidents can’t be avoided if we turn a blind eye to science(无视科学), say, driving a car while being drunk.
  From my point of view, there is never any relation between lucky numbers and good luck. While we keep this tradition, we should never take it too seriously.

D 2000.1 how I finance my college education
  College education fee is always on the increase. Generally, a higher percentage of family expense goes to education. With family background varying from person to person,(家庭背景应人而异) how students finance their education also differs. Some rely on working part-time, while others on parents. As for me, I depend on both.
  First and foremost, working part-time offers a chance to know the society well and develop your independence, thus supplying motivation for even harder work at school(为学校努力学习提供动力) and making preparations for graduation. Secondly but equally important, relying on parents for most of the education fee helps you overcome the worry of money (克服钱的麻烦)and the unnecessary disturbance of work(工作不必要的打扰), so that you can concentrate on your major task as a student: study.
  As far as I am concerned, I will combine these two ways. However, they should be properly balanced. Most important, we should never put the cart before the horse.(本末倒置)
  E 2003.1 It pays to be honest
  The world is becoming less honest(世人越来越不诚实). People cheat in one form or anther(欺骗的方式形形色色). In schools, lazy students cheat to pass exams; in shops, greedy businessmen sell fake product (假货)to make dirty money; and in job fairs, desperate people make up experiences to win a chance.

  从观点的多个层次描写:欺骗是饮鸩止渴。1,欺骗的初期能够带来额外利润然长期以往则是名声的损毁以及消费者的不认可 2,欺骗固然能够使人在特定的情况下逃出困境或者获益,但是需要用更多的欺骗来圆场,最终丧失人们的信任。
  However common cheating is becoming, it does more harm than good to those who cheat(害人害己). To begin with, cheating can, to some extent, help you out of a difficult situation (帮助你摆脱困境)or brings benefits. However, as a proverb(谚语) goes “one lie necessarily leads to more ”(一个谎言需要更多的谎言来圆场), you need more lies to cover first lie(对前面谚语的解释). In the long run, you will lose trust from people around, above and below you.(你周围的人以及上下级) What’s more, cheating brings extra profits at the beginning yet erodes reputation(腐蚀名声) and costs you the faith of consumers in the end,(最终让你丧失客户的信任) as no one can cheat all the people all the time.
  In my opinion, we should never cheat. Dishonesty runs against our traditional virtue (与传统美德相背离)and does harm to those who cheat. Meanwhile, we need to put in place powerful laws.
  F 2003, 12 reduce waste on campus
  Waste problem increasingly stands out in schools.(浪费现象日益突出) In the canteen, students throw away more than they eat; in the washroom, the tap is never turned off; even in an empty classroom, the lights are always on. Similar examples have virtually become a staple on campus(类似的例子成了学校的一道风景线/举不胜举)
  从观点的多个层次描写:浪费不好 1,资源有限,浪费普遍资源则后代倒霉
  1, 养成不良习惯为以后的工作生活增加负担3,与节俭的传统美德相背离;在高等学府里浪费更是教育的耻辱。
  Waste, whenever it happens, should be condemned (谴责)for the following reasons. Firstly, in this populous country(人口众多的国家), we have relatively limited resources. If we go on wasting human’s common resources, our decedents will suffer from hunger or even starve(挨饿). What’s more, such a behavior on campus will lead to a bad habit in your later work or life. Your expenses (花销)will rise as a result. Lat but not least, waste, on whatever occasion, goes against our traditional virtue(传统价值观) and puts to shame our education.(让我们的教育蒙羞)
   From my point of view, waste is everything to be blamed. We need to join hands for the solution of this problem. The school should educate the students while the individuals should cooperate and behave themselves.
  G 1996.6 health gained in developing countries(图标类文章不能生硬的简单描述。)
  à 图标表明寿命从40-60短短30年涨了20年,比较而言,儿童死亡从-下降到--,降幅达到。什么促成了这个现象
  As clearly stated in the graph, life expectancy increased dramatically, up from 40 to 60, in 30 years. By contrast, infant mortality dropped by 15%, down from 25% to 10% during the same period. What has contributed to this development?
  从观点的多个层次描写:1,医疗技术的进展,治愈顽疾,抢救儿童2,生活水平的提高(吃住),追求健康饮食和适当锻炼3 技术降低灾害的损失,其中妇女,儿童最倒霉。
  First and foremost, the advance in medical science and technology has enabled us to cure many originally fatal diseases(治愈原本致命的疾病) and save millions of babies that could have died before, at or after birth. (出生前,出身时,出身后)The second reason has much to do with a good system(第二个原因与—有关) in which everyone is covered by timely medi-care(每个人享受免费医疗). What’s more, people now enjoy a happier life. No longer satisfied with a full stomach and warm clothing(不仅仅满足吃饱穿暖), we turn to a balanced diet (将注意力转向均衡饮食)and go in for physical exercises(参加体育运动). Last but not least, technology has reduced the occurrence /incidence (发生)of disasters as well as minimized the damages and injuries(姜损伤和危害降到最低). Otherwise, women and children would suffer most.
  In my opinion, this means people can live a longer and better life. However, only god knows whether this is a curse or bless if the population explosion is not brought under control.





